On 2020-02-13 we hosted our annual horn scoring night at Hubtown Brewing in Okotoks. We had 3 AFGA certified scorers (Mark Anderson, Jim Clarke from Sarcee F&G and Joe Baranyay from Calgary F&G). Things started off quite busy right at 6 pm, but slowed later in the evening.

We scored a total of 7 heads, with a mix of white tailed deer, mule deer and elk. There were a couple of really nice elk in the 280+ range, and one mule deer over 185 which scored high enough to get into the next Alberta record book.

We had lots of volunteers and members who stopped by to check it out and support it.  We had quite a few people not involved with the horn scoring take interest in what we had going on, so I think it was a good PR thing with non-hunters. (Especially when we shared a stick of the elk pepperoni.)

Thanks to all the members who showed up to help out and support the event. Thanks especially to the scorers, who did a great job.

-Matt Zazula 
ODFGA President